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FOCUS Training
Goal #2
Getting Clients Started
It's time to kick off! Everything you need to know to install, introduce, and initially teach FOCUS to clients at your site.
01. Training Video
Explaining the key tasks to helping your clients get off to a great start with FOCUS!
02. Written Materials
Below are links to materials to help you get clients started with FOCUS:

​FOCUS Training Manual - Getting Clients Started
This section provides the overview of steps involved in the first session of FOCUS: the installation and introduction visit.
03. Other Training Recommendations
If you are viewing these training materials for the first time, as a part of the curriculum we recommend that you also engage in the following tasks or experiential exercises:

(1) Practice installation
Install, delete, and install again on a practice device. Make sure you're familiar with the process.
(2) Repeat the schpiel
Practice describing FOCUS to multiple people to prepare for introducing it to clients.
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